Chapter 1 : Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata Theory + Basic Fundamentals
Lab 1: Introduction to Language Theory Concepts + Correction
Chapter 2 : Basic Fundamentals + Introduction to Finite Automata (FA)
Lab 2 : Introduction to Finite automata + Correction
Chapter 3 : Introduction to Finite Automata (FA) - Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) - Non-Deterministic Finite Automata (NFA)
Lab 3 : Introduction to Finite automata + Correction
Chapter 4 : Equivalence of NFA and DFA - Finite Automata with Espilon Transitions - Equivalence of NFA with and without Espilon-moves
Lab 4 : Introduction to Finite automata + Correction
Chapter 5 : Moore and Mealy Machines + Quizz
Lab 5 : Introduction to Finite automata.
Cours 6 : Regular Expressions
Lab 6 : Introduction to Finite automata
Lab 7 : Moore and Mealy Machines
Lab 8 : Regular Expressions and Languages
CCs language theory