Cour Introduction to Cybersecurity
Lab 01 : Security Properties: CIA Triad + Correction
Cour Cryptographie Partie 1
Lab 02 Analyzing HTTP traffic + Correction
Cour Cryptographie Partie 2
Lab 03 Cryptography- I + Correction
Lab n° 03 Cryptography - II + Correction
CC Cybersécurité 2022-2023 + Version Anglaise
CC Cybersécurité 2023
Lab 05: RSA Cryptosystem + Correction
TP n° 04 Cryptography- Atelier Sur Gnupg2
Cours RSA
Chapter1 - Introduction to network security
Lab07 : Network Security
Chapitre 6: Asymmetric Encryption - RSA
LAB 08 : Man in the Middle Attack
Chapitre 7 : Digital Signatures/PKI
Lab 09: Offline Password Cracking Attacks
Chapitre 8: Authentication & Firewall
Lab 10: Firewall / Iptables + Correction
CF : Cyber Security 2022